Protect Webcam Online Video Copyrights & Live Streaming Privacy

How it works?

Working with us, is so simple and easy.

We are available worldwide

Not based in the United States, can you help me?
Yes, we can, our reach is global! We can work with any ISP in the world. The majority of them have some sort of DMCA protocols set up. Your content is usually down within 24 to 48 hours!

Dedicated to what we do.

We work hard to make web privacy accessible for everyone.

Confidentiality guaranteed
There are thousands of illegal pirate websites out there that can host your videos and images long after your web cam days are over. It’s our job to help you determine when that day comes.
Always on time
We are working closely with the only law firm dedicated to web cam model protection. Experienced lawyers licensed to practice law in USA! Much like you, we offer you the total package! Your content is usually down within 24 to 48 hours!
Quality service
We offer a service level of 99%. Due to our legal expertise the content is usually off the internet within a day or two. Heaving said that if you’re willing to fight it all the way, we’re willing to take it all the way.
Unlimited support
From the moment you start cooperation with us, we are monitoring web for you 24/7, protecting your content, acting in legal and it segment, in removing the content, even when you don’t know its on some pirate website.
Always affordable
Chances are you aren’t working online for free. If your material is out there for free this severely limits your earning potential. We can help you, and understand your needs with our services offer.
Smooth deal
Its very easy, if you have any doubts, contact us and we will do our best to explain everything in details for you. When you select a package, we start working immediately.

Service for the best.

Our service is for everyone,

no matter who you are, and from where you are.

Your first consultation is free.

It takes only a few minutes to apply and get things done.